Re: [IRCA] NE Oregon TPs, Saturday compared with Victoria, BC
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Re: [IRCA] NE Oregon TPs, Saturday compared with Victoria, BC

The last couple of mornings have had virtually no sunrise enhancement at the top of the band, or enhancement at any other time either? Saturday morning, 747 was the strongest, quite good w/man talking JJ peaking at about1505UT, other powerhouses seemed to have snippets of audio only; 594 had poor audio at 1520UT w/woman in JJ sounding talk, and of course, lots of carriers.
At 17:31 04-02-12, you wrote:
Lots of hets today, whole band, a few with audio, all Asian.
594 presumed Japan weak at 1410 utc, later poor/weak 1452
693 Japan poor 1453
774 Japan poor 1420
1566 HLAZ poor/weak 1500-1520
LWBC 153 medium, 189 poor 1415 utc

NE Oregon
R75, longwires
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