[IRCA] TP's for Saturday 10/22/11
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[IRCA] TP's for Saturday 10/22/11

One of the better mornings of the season here.  Strongest station of the morning
goes to JOAB 693 solid S-9 +5 db on the Sky wire loop.  Found that the High
Performance Active Whip dominated the upper channels over the other 3 wire
antennas.  A few Chinese station heard too.

153       RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1328 steady weak signal with man in Russian.
189       RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1329 weak with music.
279       RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1330 good signal with music.
594       JAPAN, JOAK NHK1 1333 good signal with woman in Japanese.
603       REPUBLIC OF KOREA, 1348 HLSA weak with woman in Korean.
639       CHINA, 1430 assuming the station with weak signal and in Asian language.
657       DPR OF KOREA, 1335 weak signal with man in Korean // 3250.
            1357 good with circus type instrumental music.
666       JAPAN, JOBK 1400 NHK1 fair signal with 6 pips then Japanese. // 594.
693       JAPAN, JOAB 1428 NHK2 good signal with man in Japanese.
747       JAPAN, JOIB 1437 fair with a lot of KXL splatter.
774       JAPAN, JOBB 1402 NHK2  1402 fair with man in Japanese. 
828       JAPAN, JOBB NHK2 1342 fair with man in Japanese.
1206     CHINA, 1422 fair for a few seconds with woman in Korean?  KEX IBOC
1242     JAPAN, JOLF NHK1 1419 weak and // 594.
1287     JAPAN, JOHR 1418 fair signal with man in Japanese.
1323     CHINA? 1442 weak signal believed to be the station with music 
            that seemed // 5995.  Soon faded after finding // frequency.
1566     REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLAZ 1413 fair signal with Chinese.  Best reception
            on High Performance active whip.
1575     THAILAND, VOA 1415 weak with man in Asian language.

Best regards,

Kalama, WA
JRC NRD 545 & Drake R8B
High Performance Active Whip
190' long wire NW/SE + SW ewe
753' Sky wire loop
Solar Indices SF=168 A=5 K=0
Local Sunrise 1438 utc  Local Sunset  0113 utc
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