Re: [IRCA] [mwdx] Brazilian night
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Re: [IRCA] [mwdx] Brazilian night

I will make a correction to the logs bellow. I'm quite sure now after re-listening to the 1310 clip, that this is from La Mega, NJ, not Dominican Republic.
Too much excitement here I guess...


Le 2011-10-02 09:34, Sylvain Naud a écrit :
Taking advantage of the "tail" of the mini geo-magnetic storm we had 
in the past week, I could experiment unique conditions (unique... for 
me at least)since I'm in this hobby "full time" (for five years).
On the night of the 29th roughly between 00:30 and 01:30 (UTC), 
several Brazilians showed up along with a few usual Venezuelans and 
Colombians. Surprisingly, there was almost no       Cubans except for 
the 1180's Rebelde heard at a good level. No Mexicans were observed. 
Spain wasn't good either.
To be honest, this is the first time in the last months where I had 
something really exciting dx wise going on. Most of the Brazilians 
were personal first. As for Trans-Atlantic dx, Canary Islands and 
Western Africa were in as well. After taking time to review my hard 
disc, here are some loggings taken from that span along with some 

621 KHz CANARY ISLANDS, "...En Radio Nacional", Excellent (00:40 SN-QC)
670 KHz HONDURAS (Tentative) La Voz de Honduras, unid location - Man 
in Spanish with Honduras mentions (00:42 SN-QC) *personal first
711 KHz MOROCCO, RTM A, various locations - Trad Arabic music, fair 
and offset (around 20 Hz down) (00:39 SN-QC)
750 KHz VENEZUELA, YVKS-RCR, Caracas - Baseball talk in Spanish, good 
(00:40 SN-QC)
760 KHz COLOMBIA, HJAJ-RCN, Baranquilla - "...A través de RCN", fair 
(00:37 SN-QC)
780 KHz BRAZIL, Unid - Soccer play-by-play in Portuguese, fair (00:39 
SN-QC) *personal first
783 KHz MAURITANIA, Radio Mauritanie, Nouakchott - Man and woman in a 
Vernacular language, good (00:39 SN-QC)
860 KHz BRAZIL, ZYJ459-Rádio CBN, Rio de Janeiro - Soccer play-by-play 
in PP, fair to good  and // to webstream. Surprisingly on top of CJBC 
(01:05 SN-QC) *personal first

900 KHz BRAZIL, Unid - Soccer play-by-play in Portuguese, fair to good (01:13 SN-QC) *personal first
910 KHz VENEZUELA, YVRQ-Q910, Caracas - Ads of Venezuela in Spanish, 
good (00:29 SN-QC)
940 KHz BRAZIL, ZYJ453-Super Rádio Brasil, Rio de Janeiro - Men in 
Portuguese // to their webstream, good (00:24 SN-QC)  
*personal first
980 KHz BRAZIL, ZYH707-Rádio Nacional, Brasília - Soccer play-by-play 
in Portuguese, up to a fair level (01:12 SN-QC)
1000 KHz COLOMBIA, HJAQ, "...Para todo el grupo de RCN", Cartagena - 
Fair (00:30 SN-QC)
1008 KHz CANARY ISLANDS (probable), Punto Radio, Las Palmas (Gran 
Canaria) - Talk in Spanish, good (00:26 SN-QC)
1088 KHz ANGOLA, Radio Nacional, Mulenvos - Music, poor (00:31 SN-QC)

1100 KHz BRAZIL, ZYK694-Rádio Globo - PP soccer play-by-play with Globo mention, fair on top of WTAM (01:09 SN-QC)

1150 KHz BRAZIL, Unid - Man in Portuguese, fair (00:26 SN-QC) *personal first
1170 KHz COLOMBIA, Unid - Men with deportes with a couple of 
references to Colombia, up to fair level (00:41 SN-QC)
1200 KHz BRAZIL, Unid - Soccer play-by-play in PP, up to fair mixed w 
domestics (01:11 SN-QC) *personal first
1220 KHz BRAZIL, ZYJ458-Rádio Globo, Rio de Janeiro - Ads in 
Portuguese with full ID at the end, excellent (00:28 SN-QC)
I'm particularly happy with this next recording:
1300 KHz BRAZIL, ZYH586, Rádio Iracema, Fortaleza - Religious program 
in both Portuguese & Spanish, up to a fair level and offset at around 
+80 Hz. Thanks to Rocco Cotroneo, Chuck Hutton and Jean Burnell at 
RealDX for their help (01:10 SN-QC) *personal first
1310 KHz DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, HIMH-Radio Real, La Vega - Short fair 
peaks fortunately with some ID content "...a través de la nueva Vega" 
with mention of República Dominicana (01:10 SN-QC) *personal 
Sylvain Naud
Portneuf, QC
rx: Perseus
ant: 230m terminated Beverage towards Africa (88°)
ant: 110m unterminated Beverage NW-SE
MFJ-1026 w LF mods

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