Re: [IRCA] Drake R8 sensitivity
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Re: [IRCA] Drake R8 sensitivity

On Wed, 11 May 2011 15:28:56 -0700 mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx (Patrick Martin) wrote:
>The Drake R8 is working much better. The sensitivity seems back to
>normal, but the S meter reading vary a bit from day to day on the
>locals.  I tuned in CKST 1040 barely at threshold and the S Meter was at
>S1 or less, so the S Meter seems to be accurate.

My R8 meter is sensitive to my mood -- but that does not worry me.

Had my 1st long haul 6-meter contact thanks to E-Skip last evening -
Reno Nevada to Victoria on 50 Mhz - running under 9W. Not that unusual I guess.

Colin Newell is the editor and creator of, and Amateur Radio VA7WWV - Victoria B.C. Canada |
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