[IRCA] DX test this weekend
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[IRCA] DX test this weekend

Just a reminder -- thanks to Bill Dvorak and George Santulli for keeping me on my toes -- the test for 1440 WFNY Gloversville is scheduled for Saturday night - Sunday morning, from 0100-0200 EST. I am up to my eyeballs this weekend in a conference I'm covering for four periodicals, vut look forward to seeing what can be done downtown, where I have a local on 1430 a mile away and cramming the dial around it. That will be my challenge for WFNY this time, given that I've heard it before both in the Toronto suburbs and at my Burnt River site. And I'm not sure I'll be able to hear it so close to the 1430 transmitter site...it will be interesting to try...

As for the time change - that is next weekend. I will post a reminder for the tests slated for that weekend and the one after, closer to the dates. Those two are from Georgia. I expect to be at my Burnt River site for those if I can get away (and I should be able to).

Here's hoping cx are good and WFNY gets out far and wide.


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