Re: [IRCA] Re TPs from the snowy west coast
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Re: [IRCA] Re TPs from the snowy west coast

It's starting to look stormy. Lots of clouds to mess up our nice sunshine we had Tue & Wed....Cold wave expected to hit tonight & possible snow friday & saturday. Any snow that stays on the ground longer than 15 minutes is considered a major snowfall down here. Our last MAJOR snow falls were in 1962 & 1976 (I remember them well). We've had snow in other years but it doesn't stay long.
Don Kaskey
San Franicisco CA

bill kral wrote:
I've had my foot of snow here in this area (Vancouver Island.) Now it's your turn down there in San Francisco. Are they saying how high the snow will be when all is said and done? And is it worth getting up at 5 AM to try to snag a TP or two these days,anyone ? Bill in BC

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