[IRCA] ULR DX.......Good Conditions at SUNSET......But Only 1 NEW STATION and a Nice Relog.........
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[IRCA] ULR DX.......Good Conditions at SUNSET......But Only 1 NEW STATION and a Nice Relog.........

Hi Guys:

I started Sunset Dxing a little early today .......about 1545 EST. Conditions looked real promising with a lot of Graveyarders Swapping on most of the GY Frequencies. Conditions to the East looked pretty good then it swapped to the south. A lot of stuff was heard that was decent.......but nothing NEW was logged til I was about to surrender again!! I checked 1680 as I have been Chasing KRJO from Monroe, LA for a while. I thought I had them the other night at Bedtime...but just couldn't get enough to be sure. Tonight I GOT THEM for a NEW STATION for both the OVERALL and ULR LOGS!!
Also had a Nice Sign-Off Announcement from 1520 WARR in Warrenton, NC. 
This was another Frequency I was chasing as I was hoping for from 
Canton, OHIO....but No Cigar!!
RADIO USED...................................SONY SRF-T615 ULR Barefoot

ULR LOG TOTALS are now........................889 Stations Heard

73......ROB VA3SW

Robert S. Ross
London, Ontario CANADA

1680 KRJO Monroe, LOUISIANA Jan/28/11 1815-1834 EST EE Poor to GOOD at Times!! Stevie Wonder Live Song @ 1815-1818 EST Tune-In. Into Funky Music........Similar to SHAFT...But not that song. Mixing with a Spanish Station @ 1820. ID given by Male DJ @ 1822 EST as Music for the Heart and Soul Old School 1680 AM". I was able to match this up in Parallel with the Live WebFeed also. Into Elvis...Burning Love @ 1822-1825. Female with R&B Music 1826-1830 EST. Into Live Version of "The Way we Were".
NEW STN                                 ULR # 889 
     10/1 KW
1520 WARR Warrenton, NORTH CAROLINA Jan/28/11 1753-1801 EST EE GOOD
In WWKB Buffalo's Null.
Hip Hop Music @ 1753 EST Tune In. Male DJ spoke at 1756. More Weird Hip Hop called "I'm a Percolator". Bizarre Song!!! Male DJ spoke at 1800 EST and said "That's the end of our show" Into Sign-Off Announcement by Female Announcer. ID as "WARR 1520 Warenton, NC". Also gave station info and Abruptly Off at 1801
with NO Star Spangled Banner.

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