[IRCA] ULRadio unIDs from weird cx overnight
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[IRCA] ULRadio unIDs from weird cx overnight

Nothing taped - haven't figured out how I can record, yet - but had some interesting stuff from 4-5 am.
690 through WLW IBOC Ranchero-type Mexican music, and an ID that began with 
La... got quite strong on the modified TecSun during music, best when I set 
the radio at 692 to 693 to escaoe the IBOC as much as possible. Faded by the 
time I got to my AOR and hooked in my south wire, then my west wire, both of 
which cross the ice here; and my ne/sw wire, which goes through the woods. 
Any Mexicans besides Mexico City make it out far at night? Or other likely 
Back to bed, and the Tecsun... 1090 had Christian music looping southwest to 
west of me. It didn't ast long but was overriding WBAL for awhile. Music 
more on the soft pop-ballad side but seemed Christian. No idea who.
Then Christian music on 940, again strong, looped south to west, but didn't 
last long. No idea who...
Saul Chernos
Burnt River ON

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