[IRCA] ULR DX........ONE NEW STATION logged last night ...Good Conditions to the West!!
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[IRCA] ULR DX........ONE NEW STATION logged last night ...Good Conditions to the West!!

Hi Guys:

As several have pointed out last night yielded more Good Conditions to the WEST!! The Manitoba/Sask Regulars were real strong and several North Dakota Stations were again heard....including a NEW ONE on the X-Band. Conditions to the West have been quite respectable for the past few weeks here....so here's hoping they continue into the Winter!!
This New North Dakota Station is NEW to both the ULR and OVERALL LOGS!!

Radio Used is................................SONY SF-T615 BAREFOOT

ULR LOG TOTALS are now..............849 Stations Heard

73........ROB VA3SW

Robert S. Ross
London, Ontario CANADA

1660 KQWB West Fargo, NORTH DAKOTA Nov/28/10 2110 EST       EE      FAIR
Mixing with WQLR Kalamazoo, MICHIGAN. ESPN Show "Football Tonight". Male and
Female Hosts. Female was "Amy Lawrence??". ESPN and ESPN Dot Com IDs and Promos.
Football Scores and talk. ID at 2156 as "1660 ESPN".
Parallel to LIVE WEB Feed of KQWB.

NEW STN            ULR # 849               10/1 KW

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