[IRCA] New MW Country tonight
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[IRCA] New MW Country tonight

Jim Renfrew, Holley NY

2149 EST / 0249z

1431 R. Sawa Djibuti distinctive female vocal in the ME style // Radio Sawa web page "Egypt" feed. Djibutio is a new country here.
also noted:
1134    COPE    Spain
873    UNID    ME music, Syria I suspect.
837    COPE    Spain
774    ERTU    Egypt, I suspect with ME music fading in over Spain
1476 UNID Based on Newfoundland where there is virtually one signal audible on 1476 now, this would have to be Euzkadi Irratia from Spain
Always eager to show up Marc DeLorenzo  who also got a new country #103 
today - Northern Ireland (congrats!).  I'm around #73 or 74, I think.  Still 
years behind Ben Dangerfield's country total, though the band is definitely 
Dangerfield-like tonight, with audio and hets from top of the band to the 
In any event I think I am experiencing the "Cappahayden Effect" - the good 
stuff we heard in Newfoundland is following me home!

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