[IRCA] Grayland DXpedition - Nov. 14-16, 2010
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[IRCA] Grayland DXpedition - Nov. 14-16, 2010

My recent two-night DXpedition to the Grayland Beach State Park had an
unusual "first" for me, after 20 years of DXing at Grayland: an earthquake!
This small 4.2 magnitude tremblor happened 9 miles below Mossy Rock, WA, and
was definitely *heard* by me, if not felt. It struck at 7:51 a.m. on the
16th and sounded like a loud, large semitruck was rumbling by, right next to
the yurt. In fact, I got up and looked out the door of the yurt (cabin) to
see what was going on. That's when I realized it wasn't a truck or noisy RV!

While at the coast I tried a new antenna design--a dual pennant phased array
on behalf on Andy Ikin of Wellbrook and two other designers--Neil Kazaross
and Mark Connelly. Andy simplified Neil & Mark's dual pennant loop by
placing the feed point and termination (1400 ohms) in the bottom corners. He
also indicated I could use Wellbrook FLG100 matcher/amplifiers I already had
on hand. Two of these 20 ft. high X 72 ft. long loops (each loop looks like
a big "bow tie") were spaced about 150-160 feet apart and phased through a
Wellbrook phaser. Each loop contains 200 feet of wire but due to the bowtie
shape they only take up 72 feet (each) on the ground. The bottom points of
the "bowtie" shaped loops were 2 feet off the ground (I used 22 ft. tall
masts). The array worked well to reduce stateside station QRM while being
sensitive to Asian MW DX. However, I had a heck of a time getting the loops
aligned (on-axis) because a stand of trees obscured my view from one loop to
the other.

The loops worked well on all of shortwave too, but with reduced
directionality above a few Megahertz. On medium wave I found rearward nulls
on the order of 25-35+ dB for stations in the San Francisco area. Stations
on other bearings toward the rear of the antenna were reduced, but not as
much. It seemed like the "null aperture" to the rear was not that wide
compared to the best array I've experienced--the 4-loop QDFA. It also seemed
narrower than even two phased delta loops or "KAZ" antennas.

The array was oriented at 270 degrees due west, so the best nulls off the
back side should have been Richland/Pasco, Centralia, and Pendleton
stations. As I mentioned though, the best nulls by far were the San
Francisco bay area stations...so some skewing of the pattern was happening.
Also, the phaser's balance control needed to be fully counter-clockwise for
the best nulls. Andy says this indicates an imbalance situation. Ideally
both phase and balance controls would be at the midpoint of their

Bill Whitacre of Alexandria, VA hopes to replicate the phased dual pennant
array this coming weekend, so it will be interesting to learn if his nulling
results are better than mine.

MW DX the first night on the 15th (UTC) was strongly Asian/TP as expected
this time of year. Reception was good but not outstanding. For instance,
Tier 1 and tier 2 Japanese stations were easily heard, but frequencies with
low power synchros were just a jumble of weak audio. The lone DU signal I
heard was 2BL 702 in Sydney.

Below are MW loggings from just the first night of DXing on November 15th
(UTC), mostly from listening across the top of each hour. I have yet to go
through the Perseus WAV files from the 16th. Background noise levels on this
early winter DXpedition were very low. At the edge of the band and on long
wave, the noise level was a steady -110 dB (Perseus 2,000 kS/s setting). I
can only dream of such low noise levels at home!

Tropical band loggings from the 15th can be read in this text file:

549 RUSSIA Rst. Mayak, Nov 15 1400 - Moscow Nights IS, 5+1 time pips at the
top of the hour, all very echoey from multiple locations. Russian language
announcers. Good Level. (Atkins-WA)

558 SOUTH KOREA HLQH, Nov 15 1000 - Strong signal with female announcer in
Korean; mixing with JOCR Kobe. (Atkins-WA)

567 JAPAN JOIK Sapporo, Nov 15 0900 - Time pips at top of the hour, mellow
musical interlude, then Japanese talk by male and female announcers. Fair
signal. (Atkins-WA)

576 RUSSIA Rst.Mayak Petropavlosk, Nov 15 1000 - Most likely this location,
with Moscow Nights IS at top of the hour, and 5+1 time pips. Into Russian
talk. Good signal. (Atkins-WA)

594 JAPAN JOAK Tokyo, Nov 15 1000 - Powerhouse signal as expected from this
top tier NHK1 station. 3+1 time pips, 'NHK' network ID by woman, and into
presumed news in Japanese. (Atkins-WA)

648 RUSSIA V. of Russia, Nov 15 1400 - VOR interval signal, IDs in Chinese,
and orchestral music. Very strong! I can believe the 1000 kw listed power.

657 NORTH KOREA Pyongyang Pangsong, Nov 15 1600 - A strong signal with
strident talk by male announcer in Korean, and unispiring orchestral music.
Actual frequency as shown on Perseus zoom tool was on the low side at
656.96, typical for Pyongyang on this frequency. (Atkins-WA)

666 JAPAN JOBK Osaka, Nov 15 1100 - 3+1 time pips at top of the hour; female
announcer in Japanese. Fair signal at best. (Atkins-WA)

675 VIETNAM V. of Vietnam, Nov 15 1600 - Poor signal of Vietnamese talk by
man and woman. Back down in the noise shortly after 1600. (Atkins-WA)

693 JAPAN JOAB Tokyo, Nov 15 0800 - Good signal of Japanese talk, and
mentions of Tokyo at 0800. (Atkins-WA)

702 AUSTRALIA 2BL Sydney, Nov 15 1200 - ABC trumpet fanfare, and into news
in English, read by a female announcer. Poor to fair level. (Atkins-WA)

711 SOUTH KOREA HLKA Sorae, Nov 15 1600 - 3+1 time pips heard at 1600, and
then announcements in Korean by woman. Fair signal. (Atkins-WA)

738 RUSSIA R. Rossi, Nov 15 1100 - Presumed, with talk by man and woman in
Russian. Poor to fair signal. (Atkins-WA)

738 TAIWAN BEL2, Nov 15 1600 - A real jumble here, with three stations at
times fighting for dominance. EZL English lang. pops by Whitney Houston (I
think) at 1558, then replaced by presumed Amoy talk which continued across
the top of the hour. Likely BEL2 Taiwan Fisheries here, and fair at best.
Curiously, I never noted RFO Tahiti on the frequency all evening.

747 JAPAN JOIB Sapporo, Nov 15 0800 - Good signal in Japanese, but suffering
from strong splatter from 750 KXL Portland. (Atkins-WA)

756 JAPAN JOGK Kumamoto, Nov 15 1600 - Time pips (ping-ponging with another
background station on frequency) and 'NHK' network ID heard at the top of
the hour, followed by announcements by woman in Japanese. Weak but fairly
clear signal. (Atkins-WA)

774 JAPAN JOUB Akita, Nov 15 0800 - News items in Japanese at the top of the
hour. Good level. (Atkins-WA)

792 SOUTH KOREA HLSQ - Love FM, Nov 159 1600 - Romantic music before and
after 1600, at a good signal level. Talk in Korean by male and female
announcers, with a clear mention of 'FM' but I couldn't pick out any other
words. Single time pip at 1600. (Atkins-WA)

819 NORTH KOREA KCBS Pyongyang, Nov 15 1600 - Dreamy, lavish orchestra music
backed by a gigantic choir (likely singing the praises of the new leader),
to ID in Korean and 3+1 time pips at 1600. Very strong signal, with at least
one other station audible in the background during pauses. (Atkins-WA)

828 CHINA Unid., Nov 15 1600 - Unknown Chinese station in faintly on this
frequency. Perhaps Guangdong Satellite?. (Atkins-WA)

828 JAPAN JOBB Osaka, Nov 15 0800 - Time pips at top of the hour, and into
presumed news by male in Japanese. Strong signal, benefiting from reduced
splatter of the dual pennant array antenna. (Atkins-WA)

837 CHINA Harbin News Channel, Nov 15 1600 - Presumedthis, with 4+1 time
pips and announcements in Chinese by female announcer. Possible mention of
Harbin. Strong and loud signal. (Atkins-WA)

846 KIRIBATI R. Kiribati, Nov 15 0722 - Island music and presumed Kiribatese
talk rising briefly above the noise. Nice to hear a few South Pacific
stations, despite conditions being strongly Asian tonight. Good level while
it lasted. (Atkins-WA)

873 JAPAN JOGB Kumamoto, Nov 15 0800 - Fair level with time pips and
Japanese talk. (Atkins-WA)

891 JAPAN JOHK Sendai, Nov 15 0900 - 3+1 time pips at 0900, followed by soft
musical interlude and Japanese announcers. Parallel to 567 NHK1. Fair level.

909 JAPAN JOVX Abashiri, Nov 15 0900 - Rapid pace talk in Japanese at top of
the hour, by man and woman. Fair signal in 910 splash. Parallel to 1440 JOWF
Sapporo, which was much stronger. (Atkins-WA)

954 JAPAN JOKR Tokyo, Nov 15 1600 - Lively variety program or similar, with
music, laughter, and talk in Japanese. Mentions of 'TBS' network at 1558.
Distinctive, multi-tone 'musical' chimes at 1600. Into drama or radio play.
Very good signal. (Atkins-WA)

963 CHINA R. Rossi, Nov 15 1000 - Trumpet fanfare, ID in Chinese, then
'Radio Kitaya' in Russian. Good signal. (Atkins-WA)

972 SOUTH KOREA HLCA Dangjin, Nov 15 1100 - 3+1 time pips, and female
announcer in Korean. Good signal. (Atkins-WA)

981 CHINA CNR1 Synchros, Nov 15 1000 - 5+1 time pips, and echoey 'Guangbo
Dientai' from multiple transmitters. Into orchestral interlude and Chinese
talk. (Atkins-WA)

990 CHINA Unid., Nov 15 1600 - Rapid paced announcers in Chinese, with clear
mention of 'Harbin' at 1600. I wonder which service or outlet this is? Good
level. (Atkins-WA)

999 CHINA Unid., Nov 15 1600 - Another unknown Chinese station at 1600, with
male and female Chinese language announcers. Excellent S8 signal though!
This station was not parallel 981 CNR1. (Atkins-WA)

1008 JAPAN JONR Osaka, Nov 15 1200 - Noted 'ABC' network ID at 1159, then a
double high-to-low pitched chime at 1200. Into talk or news in Japanese.
Good signal. (Atkins-WA)

1017 CHINA CNR8, Nov 15 1000 - Noted sign-on of Korean language service with
dramatic and overblown orchestral version of usual trumpet fanfare,
announcements and presumed ID in Korean. Excellent signal. (Atkins-WA)

1053 JAPAN JOAR Nagoya, Nov 15 0800 - Fair signal man and woman in Japanese.
Faint TPs from unid station in background. (Atkins-WA)

1062 SOUTH KOREA HLKQ Cheongju, Nov 15 1600 - Woman with Korean talk across
the top of the hour, with an English phrase 'in South Korea today' thrown in
at 1601. Good signal. (Atkins-WA)

1071 JAPAN JOWM Sapporo, Nov 15 0900 - Fair level with rapid paced
announcers in Japanese. Parallel to 1440 and 909 STV network stations.

1098 MARSHALL ISLANDS R. Marshalls, Nov 15 0727 - Log drums and island music
choir at 0726 tune-in. Signal peaking fair level at 0727, and was gone by
0730. Strong carrier remained throughout the night as usual. (Atkins-WA)

1134 JAPAN JOQR Tokyo, Nov 15 0800 - TPs at top of the hour, and into
presumed news items, read by man and woman in Japanese. Very good signal.

1134 SOUTH KOREA KBS Liberty 1, Nov 15 1300 - Announcements in Korean, 3+1
time pips, and man with what sounds like 'Radyo Fixsta' (??) program or
service name. Maybe this means Liberty 1. More solemn Korean talk over a
beautiful orchestral theme. Good level. (Atkins-WA)

1143 JAPAN JOBR Kyoto, Nov 15 1100 - Marching music at top of the hour, and
male and female announcers in Japanese. Fair to good. (Atkins-WA)

1152 JAPAN JOPC Kushiro, Nov 15 0800 - Fair signal from this 10 kw NHK2
station; man and woman talk in Japanese with presumed news items.

1170 SOUTH KOREA HLSR Gimje, Nov 15 1600 - Noted here with flute music and
lively Korean discussion.KPUG Bellingham was only a very faint whisper in
the background. Great HLSR signal strength. (Atkins-WA)

1179 CHINA Unid., Nov 15 1600 - Musical tones heard, then 3+1 time pips at
1600, followed by man and woman in Chinese. Very good level. (Atkins-WA)

1197 JAPAN Unid STV station, Nov 15 0900 - Weak signal in splatter, but I
could tell the fast talking announcers were parallel to 1440 JOWF and other
STV outlets audible at 0900. (Atkins-WA)

1206 CHINA Yanbian RGD, Nov 15 1000 - ID and announcements in Korean, and
trumpet fanfare. Good level. (Atkins-WA)

1206 CHINA Yangbian RGD, Nov 15 1600 - Man and woman announcers in Korean,
with ID that sounded like the 'Yo'nbyo'n Inmin Bangsong' text listed in PAL.
Superb signal. (Atkins-WA)

1224 JAPAN JOJK Kanazawa, Nov 15 1000 - Presumed this NHK1 outlet, which is
listed as 10 kw compared to the other 100-300 watt synchros on the
frequency. Male and female announcers in Japanese, with mentions of NHK.
Good signal. (Atkins-WA)

1242 JAPAN JOLF Tokyo, Nov 15 0800 - Japanese male announcer with mentions
of Tokyo. Good level. (Atkins-WA)

1251 CHINA Unid., Nov 15 1600 - Unknown service, with 5+1 time pips,
mentions of Beijing and other talk in Chinese. Fair signal. (Atkins-WA)

1260 JAPAN JOIR Sendai, Nov 15 1100 - Rapid paced man and woman announcers
in Japanese, trading places with the ESPN sports station on the frequency.
Fair. (Atkins-WA)

1269 JAPAN JOHW Hokkaido, Nov 15 0800 - Fair signal; female Japanese
announcer with presumed news. (Atkins-WA)

1278 JAPAN JOFR Fukuoka, Nov 15 0900 - Slow piano music at tune-in with
voice over Japanese announcer. Fair level in 1280 splatter. (Atkins-WA)

1287 JAPAN JOHR Sapporo, Nov 15 0700 - JOHR leads the pack with the best
audio during the minutes of fade-in around 0700. Others noted just prior to
0700 were Japanese 747, 774, 828, and Oceania stations 846, 1017, and 1098.

1314 JAPAN JOUF Osaka, Nov 15 1000 - Japanese announcer with the beginning
of presumed newscast. Fair signal but hampered by splatter. (Atkins-WA)

1323 CHINA CRI, Nov 15 1300 - Trumpet fanfare, IDs in Chinese and Russian.
Into Russian language program. Fair to good signal. (Atkins-WA)

1332 JAPAN JOSF Nagoya, Nov 15 0900 - Brief music at top of the hour, then
2+1 time pips and announcements in Japanese. Good level. (Atkins-WA)

1377 CHINA CNR1, Nov 15 1000 - Trumpet fanfare with ID in Chinese.
Dominating NHK2 on the frequency with China's powerful signal. (Atkins-WA)

1386 JAPAN JOQC Morioka, Nov 16 0800 - Tentatively this station, out of a
handful of 10 kW NHK2 stations. Excellent signal for so early in the
evening, just past Morioka sunset. (Atkins-WA)

1422 JAPAN JORF Yokohama, Nov 15 0900 - One time pip only at 0900, then
Japanese talk by unusually excited and fast talking announcer; obviously
lots of free caffeine for the JORF staff. Very good signal. (Atkins-WA)

1440 JAPAN JOWF Sapporo, Nov 15 0900 - Very good signal with male and female
rapid-talk announcers in Japanese. parallel to 1197 and other STV outlets.

1475 MALAYSIA RTM Kota Kinabalu, Nov 15 1200 - Female announcer in Bahasa
Malaysian with mentions of Malaysia 1159. Malaysian pop music at 1205. Fair
level but only seemed to rise to audibility around 1200. (Atkins-WA)

1566 SOUTH KOREA HLAZ Cheju, Nov 15 0800 - Fading in quickly, and
strengthening at top of the hour with religious music interlude and soft
talk by female in Korean. Into hymns or church  Easily S9+10db signal one
hour later at 0800. (Atkins-WA)

1575 THAILAND VOA Ban Phachi, Nov 15 1258 - Male speaker in Laotian, with
nice spelled-out 'www dot voa news dot com, slash lao' web address. VOA
fanfare, then 'this program has come to you from the United States of
America' in English. Good level, with faint traces of presumed AFN Tokyo in
background. Into Vietnamese program. (Atkins-WA)

1593 CHINA CNR1, Nov 15 1100 - IDs in Chinese, and 4+1 time pips before
another ID and trumpet fanfare. Excellent signal. (Atkins-WA)

Guy Atkins
Puyallup, WA USA
DXing from Grayland, WA
Perseus SDR / AR7030 Plus
Phased Dual Pennant Array Antenna
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