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[IRCA] TP DX in Seattle 10-8-10

This morning was slightly above average here. Most of the regulars were in well, and there were a few surprises. There were a few freqs with unusual sets of tantalizing pips at 1400, but little else was noted on those channels. Oh, how I wished for a few more db of signal strength.
594    JOAK, sub par signal today, fair-poor JJ talk 1349, weak pips 1400
603 China presumed, 2 sets of overlapping 5+1 pips 1400 weak, otherwise just audio traces
621    China, time pips weak in severe KCIS-630 splash, nothing else heard
666    JOBK, weak NHK pips 1400
670 KDLG, 1400, legal ID, Native Village Corp PSA, then NPR nx fair & alone 675 Two sets of pips at 1400. The first had 5 short, then one long, all sounded like the same pitch. They were followed about 10 secs after ToH by 4 short and one long higher pitched tone. Both weak, with not much audio otherwise. I suspect the first was Vietnam, and the second was an unid Chinese.
693    JOAB, good w/chimes & JJ talk 1338
738    Unid, bits of talk in domestic splat 1343
747 JOIB, woman talking //693 1339, mentioned web page www.nhk,jp.org/(something.....)
750    KFQD overpowering KXL w/legal ID & CBS nx 1400
756 Mystery with 7 short pips 1400, trace audio otherwise. I replayed the file several times thinking I'd misheard the usual CNR pips, but they sure didn't sound like it 819 Pronounced het, bits of excited female talk in KGNW-820 splat, presumed N Korea 1346 828 JOBB fair-good w/EE lessons 1347, woman mentioned "early to bed, early to rise..." but I don't think she was talking about TP DXers.....
846    Unid talk weak 1347
850    KICY, probably the religious talk u/KHHO 1335
909    Bits of talk at times 1350 but too weak to ID lang
918    1352 talk, sounded Chinese, weak
936    music weak 1349
972    KBS fair 1340, good 1353
981    CNR CC talk good 1339 & 1348 in CKNW splat
1017    JOLB, //774 etc w/EE lessons fair 1342, kind of a rare catch here
1053    Jammer fair in splat 1346
1071    Bits of music in CFAX splat 1349
1116    threshold audio 1342
1206    Yanbian PBS, good w/KK talk 1407
1287    JOHR JJ talk weak 1344 & 1405
1323    CRI, woman in Russian fair-good 1406
1566     HLAZ, good w/JJ pgm 1325 1336

R8A, SDR-IQ receivers, K9AY antenna

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