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[IRCA] TP's for 09/19/10

Listened from 1233-1351.  Only one Russian long-wave heard this morning.  Conditions down
compared to other September mornings.  Upper channels had a lot of noise, 1566 up. Hoping
other Dxers had better results.

279     RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1233 just above threshold with Russian talk.
594     JAPAN, JOAK NHK1 1238 weak with Japanese talk. Fair with music 1346.
657     DPR OF KOREA, 1256 fair with man in Korean.
693     JAPAN, JOAB NHK2 1239 weak with domestic splatter. Fair at 1357.
774     JAPAN, JOUB NHK2 1241 good with man in Japanese.
828     JAPAN, JOBB NHK2 1258 weak with man in Japanese. 1345 still weak.
1134    JAPAN?, 1344 very weak.  Not // 6125.
1143    UNKNOWN, 1242 dual carriers, level 5.  1342 very weak, man in Asian language.
1251    UNKNOWN, 1241 level 5 carrier, just to close to 1250 to get any audio.
1566    REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLAZ 1243 weak with a lot of noise.  Signal rose at 1245
                           antenna switch.  Audio low.

best regards,

Salmon Creek, WA
NW ewe
Solar Indices SF=82 A=3 K=1
Local Sunrise 1355 utc
      Sunset 0215 utc

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