Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-12
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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-12

Once again good job on the TPDX. I would have missed those signals.

There wasn't a peep of the KK jammer down here.... Hmm that's odd.

Thank you.....

Derek Vincent


On Sep 12, 2010, at 4:22 PM, D1028Gary@xxxxxxx wrote:

Hello All,

The Asiatic conditions were generally good here this morning, with the
first reception of the season for 675-VOV (Vietnam), and a couple of unusual stations on 729 and 1053 kHz. The "big gun" Japanese and the Chinese stations
were down a little in strength, but North Korea seemed stronger than
ever. Like Dennis, I noticed the unusually strong signal on 729 kHz and made a
recording through the 730 Vancouver splatter, which had the typical
Pyongyang BS shouting Korean YL under the splatter (ink below). Although that station was heard here once before last October mixing with China, it's rare for anything to show up on 729 kHz here, and when something does, it's usually China. The Chinese stations generally did not manage much audio this morning, and stayed in the carrier category except for 756-CNR1 and 1377. There was another mystery station on 1053 kHz under the Jammer-- maybe the same one Dennis heard. An MP3 seemed to have shouted Korean (like on 729 kHz),
but nothing definite could be made out. In  summary, it was a pretty
interesting morning!

The following were heard on a C.Crane SWP Slider model (7.5" loopstick)
inductively coupled to a 7.5' PVC tuned passive loop in the back yard:

594 JOAK Tokyo, Japan Fair to good with Japanese conversation at 1305
603  HLSA  (presumed)  Weak Korean audio in and out around  1307
639  CNR1  (presumed)  Stayed at carrier level throughout  morning
648 VOR Razdolnoye, Russia Weak Chinese audio above noise level, 1309 657 Pyongyang N. Korea Best signals of season at 1316; was following
                of  NK strength this morning
_ ( ) 666 JOBK Osaka, Japan Fair to good with Japanese NHK1 program at 1318 675 VOV Hanoi, Vietnam First weak audio of season noted around 1320;
out quickly _ 7jly0e8k0u6plhs_
729  Pyongyang BS (presumed)  Rapid-fire shouted Korean by YL  under
                 splatter at 1312. (Headphones recommended for MP3
738 BEL2 Penghu, Taiwan Good strength with Chinese pop music program,
747  JOIB  Sapporo, Japan  Good signal with Japanese news at  1302
756 CNR1 (presumed) Weak music and Chinese speech in and out around 1319
828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Fair with NHK2 program for most of  morning
972 HLCA Dangjin, S. Korea Fair to good with Korean conversation at 1322 1053 Korean Jammer Best buzzing of season at 1307-- (an easy S9+ catch)
1053 UnID Rapid-fire Korean speech seemed to be under the Jammer around
                 maybe  this was the Jammer's target? (Headphones
recommended for
                  MP3 listening)
_ ( ) 1134 Mix JOQR and KBS fighting it out for most of the morning at good
1377 China (presumed) Strong carrier with occasional threshold audio
around 1327
1566  HLAZ  Jeju, S. Korea  Fair-good signals with  Japanese religious
1575 VOA Ban Rassom, Thailand Fair Asiatic language signals in and out
at 1308

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock

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