Re: [IRCA] WHKP-1450
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Re: [IRCA] WHKP-1450


I really knew what you ment. As you know, this post has sprung legs and every one is in on it. When I wrote that I was only remembering what the navy told me, and what the 60's were like. THAT IS ALL!!!!!
I was in the navy from 1960 to 1972. Now as then, I would have never said 
anything against America. Even if I did not agree with what they were doing. 
Today, I do not support the government placing the troops in harms way, in 
Asia. BUT, I do support the troops and try to help their familys here 
locally the best I can with food and gasoline money. The military doesn't 
pay much and with a spouce gone, the family needs all the help they can get.
In the 60's the MM&P was anti-American in every way I can remember. I 
remember my brother writing to me and saying that Gordon McLendon, of 
KLIF-1190 in Dallas would not play their music as he said on radio, "Their 
Communist." You might remember when KLIF replayed the news broadcst from 
Radio Moscow followed by comments from Gordan McLinden.
The stations all throught the south refused to play them. Maybe it was just 
the Baptist back ground? They were anti-American!!! As well anti-Christian. 
I did not care for Johnson or Nixon, HOWEVER, I was in the navy I was 
gung-ho.  If you were a draft card burned, anti-Vietnam, and was willing to 
run off to Canada, I was/ and am not today a friend of anyone who did! Hell, 
I even volunteer for Vietnam - but was turned down. I think it would have 
been nice to be on a CVA off the coast.
I am willing to guess that 93% of all Americans are Communist Sympathizer 
and don't know it. They are conservity. The word for this is Socialist. The 
indoctrination  from the colleges and local schools teach our children the 
crap that makes them antiGod and antiChristian and in favor of a One world 
Communist government. Enough of this, lets move on.
I wrote Paul [off the list] a long post with simaliar statements. Paul is 
not old enough to remember what took place, just what he was taught in 
school, and I am willing to bet that it was slanted to the Left.
As for McCarthy, he was right. Every person on/in the cabinet for Truman 
(second term)was a card carrying Communist and a mason. This has been proven 
over and over, so no need to go into deepth on it. Since 1933, every 
president has sunk this nation farther and farther in totalitarian 
government, with the exception of [perhaps] two. That would be my hero, John 
F. Kennady and Ron Reagen. JFK was killed for standing up for what was 
moraly right. Reagan was shot for the same reasons. FYI- I was home, on 
leave, the day JFK was killed. (My mother, sister and I were there about 800 
feet away when he killed.)
In May 1968, all petty officers and officers aboard the U.S.S. OZARK (MCS-2) 
was a document that we had to sign, saying what to look for and how to 
report Communist activty. In that document was a list what the navy said was 
"knewn" Communist. At the top was MLK followed by 37 actors and singers. 
MM&P was number 17. Am I to old these days, is the memory going bad, 
perhaps. Having had two heart attacks and 3 small strokes over the last few 
years, doesn't help. I DO remember the 60's and am glad I served my country 
in the navy, with PRIDE AND HONOR!!! GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.
I know you are wanting to laugh, go a head.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Donald K. Kaskey" <kaskeyfamily@xxxxxxxxx> To: "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America" <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:20 AM
Subject: Re: [IRCA] WHKP-1450


Sorry to confuse you! No it is NOT WHKP that I question. Heck, I even heard them in the early 50s from Iowa so I'm sure you heard them as you say. Brother Paul Walker has it exactly correct. If you can prove PP&M are communists then that makes me a Communist Sympathizer as they have always been a favorite of my entire family. Your middle name wouldn't be McCarthy would it?
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