[IRCA] TP's for 03/27/10
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[IRCA] TP's for 03/27/10

Listened from 1318-1402 utc.  Conditions improved over the last
few days here.  Taiwan WYFR heard for 2nd time this Month, VOA
1575 missing again with just a carrier.  While trying for CRN1
1593 noted a lot of splatter from KOHI 1600.  S-9+55 db, they 
must have improved their antenna system? Have a nice weekend.

153    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1318 fair with man in Russian.
180    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1334 very weak on second scan of band.
189    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1320 good with man in Russian.
234    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1334 fair with man in Russian.
279    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1321 fair with man in Russian.
666    JAPAN, JOBK NHK1 1322 fair with woman in Japanese.
774    JAPAN, JOUB NHK2 1324 fair with splatter. // 828.
828    JAPAN, JOBB NHK2 1324 weak with music and // 774.
1053   Mumble of Korea's and Japan all weak at 1335.
1386   JAPAN, NHK2 1352 weak and // 774.
1377   CHINA?  CRN1 1354 very weak audio, to weak to check //.
1422   JAPAN, JORF 1351 weak with Japanese talk.
1503   JAPAN, JOUK 1348 weak to fair and over unknown station.
1557   TAIWAN, WYFR 1343 weak to fair with music and man in Chinese?
1566   REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLAZ 1332 with woman in Japanese.

Salmon Creek, WA
JRC NRD 545 & R8B
NW ewe
Sunrise 1400 utc.
Sunset  0234 utc.
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