Hi Guys: Well......after a 3 Day drought since New Years Eve....I have logged my first 2 New Stations of the New Year!! Both of these Stations are NEW to the ULR and OVERALL LOGS. Also have a UNID on 750.....that I have no clue about?????? Radio Used ............SONY SRF-T615 ULR Barefoot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ULR LOG TOTALS are now..........786 Stations Logged ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 73.........ROB VA3SW Robert S. Ross London, Ontario CANADA ******************************************************************* 1600 WEHH Elmira Hts, NY Jan/03/10 1650 EST EE GOOD Male DJ with spot for "WEHH Elmira Dot Com". ID as "Your kind of Station....Your kind of Music WEHH". Spot for People's Choice Awards on CBS. Another ID as "WEHH". Into ABBA...Waterloo @ 1651 EST. NEW STN ULR # 785 5KW/170 Watts Nights ROSS, ONT. ******************************************************************** 1390 WMPO Middleport, OHIO Jan/03/10 1725 EST EE FAIR Dpot for "Sports Center on ESPN Radio". Local AD for the "Pleasant Valley Hospital in Point Pleasant, West Virginia". Gave a 304 Area Code Number for the Hospital. Into Sports Talk...ESPN Football. NEW STN. ULR #786 5 KW/120 Watts Nights ROSS, ONT ********************************************************************* 750 UNID ESE/WNW Bearing??? Jan/03/10 1701-1716 EST EE FAIR-POOR Heavy Metal Music @ 1701 EST Tune In. Several tunes....all Heavy Metal. May have been "Christian Heavy Metal...but hard to tell!!".Still in/out @ 1715-16 with more Metal Music!! No Idea who this is??? Anyone else wanna take a Stab!!?? ROSS, ONT. *********************************************************************** _______________________________________________ IRCA mailing list IRCA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/irca Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its editors, publishing staff, or officers For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org To Post a message: irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
73 JVH
___________________________________________________________________________________ Tilaa WRTH 2011 nyt: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/redirect2.php?id=wrth2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------- DX mailing list DX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/dx _______________________________________________ THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License published by Michael Stutz at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/dsl.html