[IRCA] From a DX'ers point of view - wrapup of last decade
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[IRCA] From a DX'ers point of view - wrapup of last decade

As this first decade of the 21st century comes to the end here are
some of my notable DX memories for this time
periiod.   You are 
welcome to add your own. 

1.  The most notable for me here in the midwest were
the Cuban 
Wobblers.  Their signals were creepy and
facinating.   They 
sometimes had very strong
signals covering much of North America.  They were
reported on many frequencies by many DX'ers.  I have 
played back some of my recordings to family members and
co-workers.  Many people expressed utter disbelief that such
signals were 
heard on the radio!  Not
much has been heard of them by me up here in the recent past but
several DX'ers still report hearing them. 

2. The biggest
change (for the worst) is the profieration of IBOC 
interference across the band.  Many formaly good Domestic and
Euro channels are wiped out.  Hopefully the next decade will

see a reduction or end of this type of signal.

3. The digital equipment age has arrived as an aid
for the DX'er.  Here we can have several components such
as the Internet, various 
types of digital recording and
the new very high quality DSP 
receivers.  Certainly
we will see more of this digital world in the next decade. 
Happy New Year to all. 

Tom Jasinski

Shorewood, IL 

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