[IRCA] QSL from 675 - Radio Voice of Vietnam
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[IRCA] QSL from 675 - Radio Voice of Vietnam

Heh, Heh, Heh!

Yesterday I got a GREAT early Christmas present from Vietnam! I had reported 675 kHz - VOV1 at least three times from our Orcas Island, Washington home over the years and received no reply at all. Last winter, I finally did what I should have done MUCH sooner: Ask Patrick Martin what to do! He had sent a report at the same time as my first one and HE got a QSL (of course!) He said that he reported 675 and a parallel shortwave outlet and got an answer. He thought that reporting shortwave was the key.
Well, I waited patiently until 675 was coming in well on Orcas Is. 
this fall and then I began to search for an audible SW parallel. That 
proved more difficult than I expected, but I finally got a morning 
where 675, 5975 and 7210 were all coming in, with 675 being the best 
signal. All were //.
So, then I wrote the best report that I knew how, sent them a CD of 
the entire reception.... mostly from 675... and included several post 
cards from my home islands, some US station stickers and $2.00.  I 
got back a VOV sticker, a little doll/key chain of a Vietnamese woman 
in traditional clothing (now on the Christmas tree) and the following 
letter on plain paper:
Dear Mr. Bryant

We have checked your CD and realize that it is Voice of Vietnam, Channel One, which features news and current affairs. After listening to the content, we admire your devotion to radio broadcasting. However, we can just send you a reply letter, a frequency list and a souvenir but not a verification card because the program you heard was from the domestic service. Thank you very much for listening and we hope to get some feedback from you about our English service.
Sincerely yours,

English Service
Voice of Vietnam

Am I going to count the above as a QSL for 675 - Voice of Vietnam??? Was Ronald Reagan a Republican???
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy 2010 to each of you and 
yours. My Christmas is already memorable!
John Bryant
Stillwater, OK
WinRadio G313e + Ultralights
Wellbrook Phased Array
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