[IRCA] QSL: China Radio Int'l 963 via Poro Finland
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[IRCA] QSL: China Radio Int'l 963 via Poro Finland

Well, I now have Europe QSLed from the Pacific NW. Yesterday, I received a very nice QSL (without location) for 963 Poro for a recent report sent to the CRI address, as opposed to the general Audience Response address for CNR. It came from Ying Lian of the English language section and had a CRI folder, QSL card, note card, sticker and paper cuts. So, it appears that CRI is still QSLing foreign language broadcasts, at least some of the time.
Very pleased, to say the least.  It is the only TA that I reported, 
so Europe is 100% replied for me!  :>)
John Bryant
Stillwater, OK
WinRadio G313e + Ultralights
Wellbrook Phased Array

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