[IRCA] Anyone Near MILWAUKEE who can confirm if "The NEW 860" is WNOV Milwaukee????
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[IRCA] Anyone Near MILWAUKEE who can confirm if "The NEW 860" is WNOV Milwaukee????

Doug Smith wrote:
And it was still urban as of last week.  Didn't check after hours to know if they're leaving day power on at night.
That's also the only 860 Urban format showing on 100000watts.com.

Russ Edmunds
Only one I have in the Logbook database is WNOV Milwaukee
U4 250/5

Wayne Heinen N0POH
AM Radio Log Editor
Hi Guys:

 Thanks to everyone on the list for the help/detective work on this
one. It's looking like it may be WNOV Milwaukee, as it's the only
Urban/R&B on the Frequency??? I did find a couple of Websites referring
to WNOV as "The New 860".....but they were older websites...and of
course WNOV does NOT have their own website.

Is there anyone IN/NEAR MILAWAUKEE...that can confirm or dismiss if WNOV
860 is IDing as "The NEW 860"????

Thanks...ROB VA3SW

Robert S. Ross
London, Ontario CANADA

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