Re: [IRCA] west coast TA, sort of
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Re: [IRCA] west coast TA, sort of

cafe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Looking mildly promising....weak audio on 1215, enough to match to Absolute's website.   A few other carriers including snippets of 1539, 1575, 1503, 1134, 1377....

Sidebar: KFQD 750 is as reliable as gravity here
night after night with 1.5 hours of sunset.

That and Vancouver on 730khz.

I should be looking for other AK's - because
we know they are there.

Gotta put up a new ALA100M loop and not
fall to me demise (this is waterfront after all...)
wish me luck (as I always say to Salmaniw... "For the
Love of God, would you STOP climbing trees!"
My mom used to say that to me... while I was peering
down from a 85 foot Douglas Fir... from the 70' level

Colin Newell - Editor - CoffeeCrew DOT Com ---
Victoria, British Columbia - Blog - Coffee DOT BC DOT CA
DXer DOT CA and Bob Harris DOT Com
Colin, may I suggest KICY 850 in Nome.  Heard them very well in Maui a 
couple of years ago.......Walt
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