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[IRCA] Dozen new added to the ULR logbook
- Subject: [IRCA] Dozen new added to the ULR logbook
- Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2009 16:59:08 -0500
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- Thread-topic: Dozen new added to the ULR logbook
Over the past three days, I have added twelve to the new ULR logbook
(not always updated). I know that not everyone keeps one but because I
was trying to add to it, I was at the dials. As such, I added two new
to the main logbook. Some of the more interesting additions to the ULR
book are WTEM 980 DC, WPEO 1020 IL, WGNZ 1110 OH, WLPO 1220 IL, WILB
1060 OH and KMXA 1090 CO. The last two were new to the main book. I
have 185 ULR and 785 in the overall domestic (US and Canada) logbook.
Up until the ULR craze hit, I didn't keep a log of anything but US and
Canadina stations on MW.
1060 WILB OH Canton 10-31 0645 Fair in WFNI IBOC w/religious
programming. Mentioned a 930 station too (Elyria?). New! DH-IN
1090 KMXA CO Aurora 11-01 0145 VP mixing w/IBOC (Indy and Cleveland?)
and WBAL. Thanks to the posters on the posters on the IRCA list. On
w/day power? DH-IN
DH-IN Dave Hascall, Indianapolis IN Eton E-100 + Grundig S-350 (both
Dave Hascall
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