Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA TP's for 10-20... More Fun
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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA TP's for 10-20... More Fun


CNR1 was running an hour long music program this morning starting at about 1403... not classical opera, at least when I was listening. It was more an Asian pops program. I think that it was an hour long.
John Bryant

At 07:14 PM 10/20/2009 +0000, you wrote:
At 18:43 10/20/2009, you wrote:
>Hi Nick,
>Yes, I remember the discussion over Walt's initial 1170 Chinese MP3 made at
> 1358 on 9-9, in which the Chinese dialect was clearly identified here as
>Mandarin, not Cantonese. I believe that Bill Harms also mentioned that VOA
>would have a Cantonese program at the time of Walt's recording, not
>Mandarin. From what I recall, the conclusion was that Walt was not receiving
>VOA-Phippines, in that September 9 MP3.
>This morning the 1170 Chinese station format sounded very much like the
>typical CNR1 programming (with Chinese music), but the signal dipped below a
>loud KBS signal before any check could be made of a parallel. I don't know
>if  VOA Philippines would play Chinese music or not during their Cantonese
>program, but Bruce's recent Grayland report mentioned CNR1 mixing with KBS on
>1170, both  over KPUG. The Chinese station received this morning is  still
>an UnID mystery, and will be investigated more here in the  next few days.
>Meanwhile, I have my own 1170 mix MP3 of both TP's, winning the battle over

OK, thanks Gary. I recall that discussion now, but thought at that time KBS w/CC as scheduled was likely (and a couple of weeks later heard at sea myself w/ KBS ID). Of course at this later time, KBS is supposed to be in Korean according to WRTH.
It will be interesting to see what you track down, as I was hearing 
CC type talk myself this morning on that channel, but didn't stop to 
figure out if it might be Cantonese or standard Chinese (not being 
an expert in such matters).  But CNR1 on that channel would be new 
for me also, and I didn't hear it at Grayland.
best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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