Re: [IRCA] Alberta TPs for 12 Oct 2009
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Re: [IRCA] Alberta TPs for 12 Oct 2009

Hi Walt,
Yes, interesting that KOTZ seemed to be getting out so well today. That was a new log for me. Maybe traces in the mud before, but that was it. I'd love to hear Barrow too, but with Edmonton also on 680 (plus a station in Montana), it's not likely to happen. I never say never though. Have noticed some interesting reception from the north the past few days. Yesterday I had the 40 watt CBC repeater from High Level on1560, one I've logged at Don Moman's place but never here. Also had Prince Rupert on 860 and noted an echo during the news, indicating that I was hearing another CBC outlet. Could have been one of the 40 watt repeaters in BC, or, even more intriguingly, possibly Inuvik. One to watch. We've had 1575 Farda and 1548 Sawa up at Don's as early as 1530 (though in Dec, not Oct), but not down here yet. As far as I know, my log of Sri Lanka last week was the first time we've heard that one in Alberta. India (not to mention Bangladesh!) remains on the wish list. I'm certainly not complaining though, as I've added 6 new coutnries to the log in October.



Hi, Nigel.  Just catching up on my emails.  It's incredibly difficult to stay current at the cottage, and in town, I'm reduced to walking around outside looking for a temporary Wi-Fi to piggy back on!  Interesting that you also heard KOTZ as I did.  Even here (up at the cottage), I don't hear them very often (or possibly it's my first definite reception).  Barrow was also making it down nicely.  Both with NPR type programming, but also look for the really long weather forecasts!  In KOTZ's instance, it was at 14:30 UTC.  A good coincidence for sure.  I also was getting good signals from Kuwait/UAE/Sri Lanka and India this morning.  To the Albertan fellas ever try for Farda/Sawa/DW SL in the mornings?  I should think they're doable.


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