Re: [IRCA] 1134 kHz "Buzz Saw" Grinding Away
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Re: [IRCA] 1134 kHz "Buzz Saw" Grinding Away

I noticed the buzz saw again too, but I'm not set up to get a bearing. It might be worthwhile to check tomorrow morning to see if it's still around. I'm wondering if it's coming from CKWX. If someone in Victoria can get a bearing, then we might be closer to finding out the source. So far, it's only being heard by people within 100 km of my house.
As for Croatia, it was trying it's darndest to make it past the noise 
tonight, which was an improvement over last night.  If it weren't for 
the buzz  saw I might've had armchair copy.

D1028Gary@xxxxxxx wrote:
Hello All,
As mentioned by Walt, the RF pollution on 1134 is back tonight, covering up a carrier from Croatia that is up and down (coming close to audio at times, if the "Buzz Saw" takes a fade when Croatia gets strong). I was able to get a true bearing of 140 degrees (or its reciprocal of 320 degrees) on the "Buzz Saw" from Puyallup, WA, based on the null bearing on the modified ICF-2010. 73, Gary DeBock
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