Re: [IRCA] West Coast TA Signs - Victoria B.C.
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Re: [IRCA] West Coast TA Signs - Victoria B.C.

Was out this evening, so can't attest to what happened earlier, but I'm getting a fair bit of TA audio again tonight, though not on the scale of the last two. Some different stuff getting through. Just heard what I'm pretty sure was Russian on 846 (something new for me), including a possible ID (have to check the recording later) and had weak Arabic on 1512, presumably Saudi Arabia.

Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

cafe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

01:50 UTC

Good hets - 639, 801, 855, 1215

Just sun-set now.
Colin Newell - Editor - CoffeeCrew DOT Com ---
Victoria, British Columbia - Blog - Coffee DOT BC DOT CA
DXer DOT CA and Bob Harris DOT Com

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