[IRCA] TP DX for 9-27-09
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[IRCA] TP DX for 9-27-09

This was a very interesting morning at the low end of the dial. Above 1000 it was quite lousy.
Here are the highlights

549      Russian talk fair 1340

585     Japan fair // 594 w/violin &  piano mx 1353

612      same as 585

621        Chinese woman 1359, decent signal but too much KCIS splatter

639      China fair talk in KCIS splat 1344

675      Vietnamese talk good 1342

729      JOCK good w/ male talk, sometimes stronger than //594 1343

738 This morning was a wild mix of Taiwan and Korea, with Taiwan mostly winning the battle 1310-1340
756      CC talk fair 1325

783 Lively discussion in Chinese 1332, possibly a second station in the background
792      Korea fair w/male talk 1722

873 JOGB w/wx in JJ //747 etc, call ID by woman 1320, fair in KIXI splat
864      Weak male talk, maybe Korea but could't tell language 1333

909      CC woman fair 1334

1026   China, CC woman briefly good 1246

Bruce in Seattle
SDR-IQ receiver, K9AY antenna

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