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Re: [IRCA] Pirate Stations on 1710
IRCA Crew,
I heard Radio Mil with 5 w sign/off at 0020.
I also am hearing what appears to be Radio
Enciclopedia // to 530.
Charles WD4INP
What Radio Mil? You mean 5 watts? How do you know that? Could two DentroCuban MW stations be putting a mixing product on 1710?
1710 also has been the location in the past for Radio MartÃ, cheap receiver-produced image explained as: 3 x 1710 = 5030. 5030 + 2 x IF 450 = 6030. But RM would not be mentioning or IDing as any Cuban domestic network. How is your reception on 6030 from Greenville, a transmitter you know well?
73, Glenn Hauser
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