[IRCA] Sept 16th TPs from Orcas Island
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[IRCA] Sept 16th TPs from Orcas Island

I'm still operating with a single fairly small ALA100 antenna, so that surely influenced my morning. It was a lack-luster low band morning here with the usual suspects in at slightly weaker or slightly stronger than recent mornings.
Points of interest were fairly few: 540 was CNR1 again, with echoes, 
though not especially strong.  I'm continuing to hear a second 
station on 603 (besides the KK) It was CC this AM and most likely 
listed Beijing Capitol Life, but I heard no ID.  612 was clearly 
JOLK, NHK1 Fukuoka for the first time this year here and 900-Victoria 
continues to be off the air.
Beyond that, all that my little ALA100 heard was the usual suspects.

Thanks to Bruce, Chuck and others for checking out my Yankee Doodle on 720. It must have been a commercial, as Bruce suggested. If I had only heard it once, I'd think that it was my over-active imagination, but since it was repeated about 3 or 4 seconds later, it musta been coming from the headphones :>)
More de-bugging of my looong coax runs is on the schedule today.  I 
think that maybe Bambi's sharp hooves have done a number on some of my coax.
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