[IRCA] Western Ireland Report / G8 Report
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[IRCA] Western Ireland Report / G8 Report

Jim Renfrew, Holley NY

It appears that Greg and I got our orders from DX HQ mixed up because we both went out to Western Ireland around the same time checking on reception conditions there.
Grundig G-8 barefoot on the Dingle Peninsula and The Burren (Ireland) last 
week - no TA signals noted.  Disappointing, especially with no Irish QRM, 
since the only legal Irish station left is LW 252.  Nice selectivity on the 
G8, though.
Lots of Europe, of course.  As Greg Coniglio noted the Iberians are strong 
up and down the band, but nice deep nulls by moving the radio around. 
Nothing that we haven't heard in Newfoundland, though.  I didn't have a lot 
of time for DX.  It would have been ideal to get up near dawn to try for the 
TAs, but I spent too much time pubbing at night!  In case you are wondering, 
I did get a chance to play a fiddle tune in one of the pubs.  I wasn't 
chased out with broken beer bottles, but they didn't invite me to play a 
second tune!
In Newfoundland I easily got Euro signals in the afternoons on a crappy 10 
kHz rental car radio, and I half expected the same in reverse from Ireland. 
Not this time.
I had a little more fun with FM.  Definite weak Spanish on 100.4 for a few 
moments the afternoon I arrived in Dingle, but then nothing else other than 
Ireland.  There's a SER station in the Madrid area on 100.4 with 10 kW. 
It's 900 miles between Madrid and Dublin, so about the same distance from 
where I was, looks like long tropo.  The Continuous Rain made tropo very 
The FM channels in Ireland are mostly in blocks of spectrum with 
transmitters spread around the country, RTE1 from 88-90, RTE2 from 90-92, R. 
Galtachta 93-94, etc.  There were also wide gaps in the spectrum where Es 
and tropo could easily appear.  We happened to drive by the Radio Galtachta 
studio in the middle of absolute nowhere on the north side on Dingle, but I 
didn't think to take a photo for Scott.  This is the Gaelic only 
broadcaster - and the best music on any channel - by far!
Not so easy DXing while driving left-handed!  Even when I was a passenger as 
my wife drove I had to be a very active co-pilot - lots of two-way traffic 
on one-lane roads with no shoulders.

----- Original Message ----- From: <markwa1ion@xxxxxxx>
To: <am@xxxxxxxxxxx>; <Nrcidxd@xxxxxxx>; <dxww-east@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:13 PM
Subject: [NRC-AM] Grundig G8 'ultralight' logs - Granite Pier

Report from Mark Connelly, WA1ION - Times / dates = UTC / 2009
e-mail = "MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxx"

[Connelly*R-MA] = Rockport, MA, USA
(GC= 42.667 N / 70.621 W) (= 42° 40' N / 70° 37' W)
(Granite Pier)

site-related info: <http://home.comcast.net/~dx_lab/dx_clams_2005.htm>

Receiver: Grundig G8 ULTRALIGHT

Antenna: cardioid-pattern Micro-SuperLoop on car roof, square, 2 m per
side, with 9:1 transformer on east bottom corner to speaker wire to 2:1
transformer to 'ANT OUT' jack of Radio Shack 15-1853 passive loop
(inside car, air-coupled to the G8), and 9:1 transformer on west corner
to speaker wire to 500 ohm null-adjust potentiometer.  See
<http://home.comcast.net/~dx_lab/pictures/micro_superloop.htm> for a
similar antenna.



621 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, Santa Cruz de
Tenerife et al., SEP 3 0038 - soft music, then woman in Spanish.

675 | NETHERLANDS | R. Maria, Lopik, SEP 3 0041 - religious organ
music; good. [Connelly*R-MA]

684 | SPAIN | RNE R.1, Sevilla, SEP 3 0041 - Spanish teletalk; through
WRKO slop. [Connelly*R-MA]

693 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R.5, Droitwich et al., SEP 3 0042 - man in
English; over others. [Connelly*R-MA]

702 | unID | SEP 3 0042 - Arabic music; poor. [Connelly*R-MA]

765 | SWITZE
RLAND | RSR Option Musique, Sottens, SEP 3 0045 - "Beat It"
by Michael Jackson; LOUD. [Connelly*R-MA]

774 | EGYPT | Middle East R., Abis, SEP 3 0045 - Arabic music; evenly
mixed with Spain. [Connelly*R-MA]

774 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, SEP 3 0045 - Spanish talk; mixed with
Egypt. [Connelly*R-MA]

783 | MAURITANIA | R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott, SEP 3 0047 - female
Arabic vocal; fair with bits of Spain under. [Connelly*R-MA]

837 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | COPE synchros, SEP 3 0048 - man in
Spanish; strong, better than adjacent 840 (which had weak Brazil
alone). [Connelly*R-MA]

855 | SPAIN | RNE R.1 synchros, SEP 3 0049 - echoey Spanish talk by
woman; over other station that was probably Romania. [Connelly*R-MA]

864 | FRANCE | France Bleu, Villebon-sur-Yvette, SEP 3 0049 - old style
French pop vocal; over Egypt. [Connelly*R-MA]

909 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC R.5 synchros, SEP 2 2340 - Five Live ID,
promo for European football; good. + SEP 3 0051 - HUGE with talk "the
Home Office is not happy with the previous commissioner."

945 | FRANCE | France Info, Toulouse, SEP 3 0052 - man in French, then
pop music; fair. [Connelly*R-MA]

954 | QATAR | QBS, Al Arish, SEP 3 0054 - man with Arabic newstalk
mentioning "arabiyah"; good. [Connelly*R-MA]

963 | PORTUGAL | Radio Sim, Seixal, SEP 3 0054 - Portuguese vocal;
fair. [Connelly*R-MA]

999 | SPAIN | COPE, Madrid,20SEP 3 0055 - man in Spanish; good.

1053 | MOROCCO | RTM, Tangier, SEP 3 0110 - possibly this with French
talk the Arabic music; dominant. [Connelly*R-MA]

1107 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 3 0112 - fast Spanish talk by man
& woman; good. [Connelly*R-MA]

1134 | CROATIA | Glas Hrvatske, Zadar, SEP 3 0113 - country-influenced
Balkan folksong. [Connelly*R-MA]

1143 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, SEP 3 0115 - Spanish interview; fair,
minimal interference. [Connelly*R-MA]

1152 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 3 0115 - woman in Spanish; good,
stronger than 1150 CHGM/WWDJ. [Connelly*R-MA]

1206 | FRANCE | France Info, Bordeaux, SEP 3 0116 - woman in French; to
good peak. [Connelly*R-MA]

1215 | UNITED KINGDOM | Absolute R. synchros, SEP 3 0117 - "Don't You
Want Me" by Human League from '82, LOUD. [Connelly*R-MA]

1305 | SPAIN | RNE R.5 synchros, SEP 3 0118 - woman in Spanish, fast
SAH and echo; good. [Connelly*R-MA]

1377 | FRANCE | France Info, Lille, SEP 3 0119 - // 1206 with woman in
French talking about the economy; HUGE. [Connelly*R-MA]

1422 | ALGERIA | RTA, Algiers, SEP 2 2341 - fast French talk by man;
splittable from 1420 pile. [Connelly*R-MA]

1422 | GERMANY | Deutschlandfunk, Heusweiler, SEP 3 0120 - avant-garde
jazz piano; excellent, over Algeria. [Connelly*R-MA]

1431 | DJIBOUTI | R. Sawa, Arta, SEP 3 0121 - Arabic vocal; splittable
from 1430 pile an
d actually heard best with G8 tuned to 1434.

1485 | SPAIN | SER synchros, SEP 3 0121 - Spanish teletalk; fair.

1521 | SAUDI ARABIA | BSKSA, Duba, SEP 2 2342 - high-energy Arabic male
vocal and chorus; excellent. + SEP 3 0122 - man in Arabic; monster-loud
(reducing WWKB to a background het). [Connelly*R-MA]

1548 | KUWAIT | R. Sawa, Kabd-Kuwait City, SEP 3 0122 - man in Arabic;
good. [Connelly*R-MA]

1584 | CEUTA | RadiOle, SEP 3 0124 - folk Spanish male vocal and
guitar, then tropical music; excellent. [Connelly*R-MA]


670 | VENEZUELA | YVLL, R. Rumbos, Caracas, SEP 3 0040 - Rumbos mention
and Spanish talk about Venezuelan topics. [Connelly*R-MA]

750 | VENEZUELA | YVKS, RCR, Caracas, SEP 3 0043 - Caracas mentions;
over CBGY. [Connelly*R-MA]

760 | BRAZIL | ZYH588, R. Uirapuru, Fortaleza, SEP 2 2345 - two men in
Portuguese; fair. [Connelly*R-MA]

780 | VENEZUELA | YVMN, R. Coro, Coro, SEP 3 0046 - ID "en Venezuela,
Coro"; dominant. [Connelly*R-MA]

1110 | VENEZUELA | YVQT, R. Carupano, Carupano, SEP 3 0112 - Radio
Carupano ID; dominant. [Connelly*R-MA]
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