[IRCA] [Fwd: Re: GNARLY 1710 INFO]
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[IRCA] [Fwd: Re: GNARLY 1710 INFO]

See below for a picture of the station's antenna.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [IRCA] GNARLY 1710 INFO
Date: 	Fri, 29 May 2009 19:54:40 -0400
From: 	k7wv@xxxxxxx
Reply-To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 	irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
References: 	<4A1F6F25.8020705@xxxxxxxxxxx>

After work today I used a portable radio with a ferrite antenna and zeroed in on the transmitter. Just a few blocks west from the Home Depot as mentioned earlier. Appears to be mounted to the roof of a private residence.

Coords: N 47 53.369 W 122 15.929

Google Maps:


I posted a pic of the antenna on my web site here:


--Tom Rothlisberger K7WV
? Brier, WA

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Portzer <bportzer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: k7wv@xxxxxxx
Sent: Thu, 28 May 2009 10:14 pm
Subject: [Fwd: [IRCA] GNARLY 1710 INFO]


Thanks for the comments.? Here are someone else's observations, which are sort of? consistent with yours.


-------- Original Message --------


Thu, 28 May 2009 18:51:20 -0700

Pete Taylor <ptdx@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

IRCA of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


This is from the contract engineer:

The House in the exact center of the image is the one with the antenna on the roof. It is the 4th house at the end of the cul-de- sac on our left. I have the lat long if you want it.
(The lat & long are in the URL but need to be converted to min/sec.- PT)

<http://maps.google.com/maps? hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=47.889478,-122.265561&spn=0.000847,0.001717&t=h&z=19>
Pete Taylor
Tacoma, WA

-------- Original Message --------


Thu, 28 May 2009 16:17:00 -0700

Pete Taylor <ptdx@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

IRCA of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Yesterday I talked with the CE of KCIS-630 who was intrigued enough to ask a friend (a contract engineer) to check it out. The results:
Chris actually found the transmitter up here in Lynnwood. Near the Home Depot between Highway 99 and Boeing field. They aren't putting out very much signal. 100 mv from across the street. Chris says they are using something like a citizen's band antenna on a two story building. Perhaps there are other 'pirates' out there doing the same thing.
Mill Creek and Lynnwood are about five air miles apart but based on  
the mv reading from across the street, it seems unlikely that a  
single station at either location would be "loud" at the other. At  
the same time, unless they were synced (unlikely), they would clash  
significantly between both locations.
Anyone want to hit both locations on the same day?

Pete Taylor
Tacoma, WA
12225w 4719n
HQ180 + Kiwa air core loop
ICF2010 + "     "    "      "
DX398; Palomar loop
SRF-59 & -M37V
Eton E100
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