Re: [IRCA] [ultralightdx] Identifying a Station by Parallel Programming
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Re: [IRCA] [ultralightdx] Identifying a Station by Parallel Programming

Many thanks to the folks who gave us such thoughtful responses on this question. I wish there were an easy answer to the identification situations like XEW//XEWB-900 and I was hoping that someone knew of such. However, it appears to me that Brandon and others hit the nail on the head... "I'm not to sure how much of a hard rule could or should be made regarding this, perhaps it would be best to just leave the decision up to each individual DXer?"

I can sure live with that! Happily, there aren't many examples like this out there.

In my own case, I'm sure that the soul searching is beneficial.

JOhn B.

At 12:59 AM 2/20/2009 -0600, you wrote:

There is also the Rebelde outlets on 1180 kHz. There are two distinct
transmitters broadcasting about 1/2 second apart, apparently on purpose
to interfere with Radio Marti with a huge echo. That would seem to be a
bit of a mix of C and D.

Personally, I would only count the Rebelde 1180 outlets as one station.
If there were more details known about the broadcasting situation from
Cuba, I would perhaps be more comfortable counting them as 2 stations.
That is a much tougher call with XEW/XEWB example, and I think I would
perhaps lean towards counting them both if I was 100% sure I had them both.

I'm not to sure how much of a hard rule could or should be made
regarding this, perhaps it would be best to just leave the decision up
to each individual DXer?


John H. Bryant wrote:
> For each of our own hobbies, each of us judges just what level of
> identification we must hear before we accept that we have Heard a
> station. However, when we start comparing catches or having awards
> programs or lists of distance records, etc, it becomes necessary to
> follow loosely understood common definitions of what is minimum
> identification of a station.
> To a degree, these definitions vary from one nation to another (some of
> the Scandinavians are VERY strict) and there are differences, too,
> between common practice in Domestic vs. International DXing.
> We've run into a situation concerning "identification by parallels"
> with the awards where we would appreciate some discussion.
> Using Japanese examples:
> *EXAMPLE A*: *873//774 kHz, NHK2
> *We find it very acceptable, generally, to declare that we have heard
> 873-JOGB, NHK's Program 2 outlet in Kumamoto, when we hear the same
> Japanese programming on 873 that we do on 774, the Program 2 outlet in
> Akita. No problem, all known references including NHK itself declare
> that there is only one Japanese station on 873 and it is in Kumamoto,
> always running NHK2.
> *EXAMPLE B: 1152//774 kHz, NHK2
> *When we find a situation where there are more than one NHK2 stations on
> a channel (1152 has two small stations) we simply log "1152-NHK2
> Synchros, Japan." No problem there, either and, /for our awards and
> records in Ultralighting/, we count that as "one station heard." If we
> want to log the stations individually, we can try for a local ID at
> 1319UTC and then know that we have heard one or even both stations....
> so it is possible for the diligent and lucky DXer to eventually count
> two stations there.
> *EXAMPLE C: Shangdong News Synchros - 918 kHz.
> *We have a situation on the Shandong Peninsula on the north China coast
> where there are at least three, maybe four or five synchronous
> transmitters in use on one channel... and they are not well
> synchronized, so when conditions are decent, we can hear classic
> "synchro echos." It is a hoot-hoot-hoot! Since those transmitters
> apparently never carry either local IDs or local programming, we will
> always be referring to them only as synchros and counting them
> altogether as "one station heard" for awards, etc. No problem there, as
> far as I can see.
> *Right now, when conditions are good, we can hear W Radio from BOTH
> stations simultaneously, with the stronger sound first and the classic
> synchro echo considerably weaker, but clearly there following. Every
> reference known on the planet shows XEW and XEWB simulcasting and that
> there are no other W Radio Grupo stations on 900. Can we log *both*
> stations as heard, as long as we have unmistakably heard the echo??? If
> not, how is this situation any different from Example A???
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