[IRCA] TP's for 02-12-09
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[IRCA] TP's for 02-12-09

Good Morning:

Listened from 1425-1515 utc. 

189       RUSSIA, 1458 in & out with weak signal.
279       RUSSIA, 1459 weak with a lot of fading.
594       JAPAN, JOAK 1500 caught the last pip at TOH.
             fair at times.  
666       JAPAN, JOBK 1502 very weak with Japanese.
693       JAPAN, JOAB, 1503 fair, but with a lot of splatter.
774       JAPAN, JOUB 1505 good with man in Japanese.
828       JAPAN JOBB 1506 good with same package as above.
891       AUSTRALIA? 1508 threshold signal here, a lot of noise.
1566     REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLAZ 1425-1430 Chinese
             religious program.  Best audio in a month here.  Audio 
             matched signal strength.
1575     THAILAND, 1511 weak.
1593     CHINA, CRN1 1512 faded up to weak audio with woman 
             in Chinese.

Salmon Creek, WA
JRC 545 ewe NW
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