Re: [IRCA] 1450 UNID
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Re: [IRCA] 1450 UNID

100% clear WATZ calls as I hear them... 73 KAZ
----- Original Message ----- From: "Barry McLarnon" <bdm@xxxxxxxxxx> To: "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America" <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: [IRCA] 1450 UNID

On Thursday 22 January 2009 16:42, Paul Crankshaw wrote:

I believe I have identified this station but would value the
opinion of DXers closer to the action. The recording is very
marginal and benefits from repeated listening.

This was recorded at 0900 UTC this morning on 1450 kHz when quite a
few rare stations were coming in from the Great Lakes area.
I'm almost certain that this is WATZ in Alpena MI.  Hope that agrees
with your tentative ID!


Barry McLarnon  VE3JF  Ottawa, ON
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