[IRCA] ULR Loggings
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[IRCA] ULR Loggings

Initial batch of loggings with the newly arrived SRF-T615 ULR.

ULR Totals: 179 stations, 27 States, 3 Countries.


900 WKDA, Lebanon, TN, 13 JAN 2250 - Spanish format using "La Latina" slogan, taking phone calls, Latin songs, mention of Lebanon and Nashville
960  KROF, Abbeville, LA, 13 JAN 2315 - Female DJ giving 960thegator.com 
web site into Cajun song
960  WERC, Birmingham, AL, 13 JAN 2310 - Talk radio with host asking 
listeners to sign petition to City Council at 900WERC.com
970  WGTK, Louisville, KY, 13 JAN 2319 - "Newstalk 970 WGTK" IDs, 
station promos
1220  WAYE, Birmingham, AL, 13 JAN 2332 - Interview with Bishop Calvin 
Woods, mentioning WAYE
1580  WEAM, Columbus, GA, 14 JAN 0402 - "W-E-A-M Columbus is ESPN Sports 
Radio" into Football Tonight				
Brandon Jordan - Memphis, TN, USA
Longwave * Mediumwave * Shortwave DXer since 1976
bcdx.org@xxxxxxxxx  http://www.bcdx.org
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IRCA DX Worldwide-East column editor
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