[IRCA] ULTRALIGHT DX.....Still need 11 More Stations by Year End!!
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[IRCA] ULTRALIGHT DX.....Still need 11 More Stations by Year End!!

Hi Guys:

Did a Marathon DX Session last night and into the SunRise this morning and all I came up with was ONE NEW STATION!!! Hearing lots of Good Stuff.....but as I near the 600 mark on ULR.....it seems everything I hear is a RELOG!!! Anyway...the new one was a GRAVEYARDER....so that puts me at 44 ULR Graveyarders heard now.
I have 9 1/2 Days left til the end of the year...and I still need 11 
Stations to break 600 heard!!
Just getting ready to strap on the earphones...and see what I can bag 
during Sunset Skip today. I need to have a 4 or 5 New Stations Day....just 
to put me in the Driver seat. Yesterday at Sunset...I heard only 1 Station!!
I'd like to do this before Christmas gets here...as I'm sure my DX Time is 
gonna be in the Hurting Category in the next few days...especially 
when  our Wedding Anniversary is on TUESDAY the 23rd...and my Wife's 
Birthday is on CHRISTMAS DAY....so we have her Birthday Party on Christmas 
Eve!! I think I am  gonna be a little busy shortly!! Keep cheering 
guys....It can be done...but I don't think I'm gonna be sleeping much this 
week if I do it!!
Was out with the SNOWBLOWER for 3 Hours today cleaning up the mess from the 
last few days of SNOW!!! I think she's gonna be a BAD WINTER here!!
Radio used for this DX was....SONY SRF-T615 with 2 1/2 Foot Homebrew 
Tuneable Box Loop.
ULR LOG TOTALS are now..........589 Stations Heard.

1450   WCEV   Cicero, ILL.   Dec/21/08    2103 EST     EE       GOOD
ID as ......"The following is a Production of WCEV's ???" @ 2103 EST.
Gave Address as..."Write to us at WCEV, 5356 West Belmont Ave #1,
Chicago, ILL 60641". @ 2104. Into Ethnic Pgm....not sure of language due to fade.
NEW STATION   NEW ULR # 589   ULR GY'er # 44     1 KW


Robert S. Ross VA3SW
Box 1003, Stn. B.
London, Ontario

Antique/Vintage Radio Enthusiast
Amateur Radio Stations VA3SW/VE3JFC
Enjoy Ultralight Radio DXing......It's like being a KID again!!

Defy Physics.....Play Table Tennis!! (Ping Pong with an Attitude)

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