Re: [IRCA] Japan in New Jersey on 747
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Re: [IRCA] Japan in New Jersey on 747

Willis I beg to 1022z (GMT UTC London's winter time or whatever you want to call it) the sun is long down in Japan this time of year and the path is in full darkness and mostly arctic.
The time is very late for Europe, or Canaries 747 or Azores 693.

I suggest phasing WSB to help log Japan.... 73 KAZ
----- Original Message ----- From: <texas4421@xxxxxxxx> To: "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America" <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: [IRCA] Japan in New Jersey on 747

Between 1022 and 1038z 11/23, there was a definite carrier on 747.
Unfortunately, there was no discernible audio and lots of slop. Give the
fact that the carrier was so stable, I believe that with a better antenna
and WSB nulled out sufficiently, that Japan could be heard in New Jersey.
I also had slight traces on 693, 738, and 774 on the recording.

Hi Bill-
You would be right that Japan could be heard in New Jersey. It has been done
in the past. HOWEVER, there is a problem with your present assumption.

The sun is still up in Japan. I believe that we need an all dark path
between us and the DX target to hear it. Might be wrong but 52 years of BCB
DXing has shown me that is the case.

I think your hearing, many, Holland HET on 747, or maybe a European.


Old Fort, TN

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