[IRCA] PAT's 3000th/KNOM
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[IRCA] PAT's 3000th/KNOM

3000 veries is a significant accomplishment requiring two levels of patience - first, trying to identify scrawny signals and second, not giving up in the quest for QSLs. Very good on both levels, Pat!
Since you have done so well with Alaskans, I was wondering if you (or  
any other readers on the list) have a recent verie signer for  
KNOM-780. I sent a CD a few weeks back and have had no response. Also  
there was no answer using the phone # in the NRC log. Thanks.
Pete Taylor
Tacoma, WA
12225w 4719n
HQ180 + Kiwa air core loop
ICF2010 + "     "    "      "
DX398; Palomar loop
SRF-59 & SRF M37V

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