[IRCA] Possible NW Ultralight DXpedition and/or Get Together
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[IRCA] Possible NW Ultralight DXpedition and/or Get Together

As you know the 2008 Fall Follies DX Contest is rapidly approaching and Guy and I intend to help hold up the NW's reputation for looooong distance reception. We have reserved Yurt #114 at Grayland Beach State Park for Friday and Saturday nights, Oct 31 & Nov. 1. That is the last weekend of the Fall Follies. There are several other yurts available for rent ($45 per night) and they are absolutely perfect for handheld Ultralighting, with wooden lattice and insulated vinyl walls and roof.. an on the front line near the beach.
The yurts sleep three very nicely and are heated and have 50 amp 
service.  The potties and showers are a short walk away and you have 
to bring your own ice chest and camp stove, if you want to eat and a 
sleeping bag or bedding to go atop their vinyl-covered 
matresses.  These are the yurts that Guy favors over the Grayland 
Motel.... much lower rates and he finds them considerably quieter, 
especially out of season.
Here is a URL for the yurts (roll down about halfway to Grayland 
Beach State Park....

It is about half a mile between the motel and the park, for those who may like to stay there...
Guy and I would really enjoy a get together Saturday afternoon, if 
anyone is in the area and also would love to coordinate DXing if 
others join us Friday or Saturday night.... We've even got some 
walkie-talkies for coordinating efforts, if anyone can make it out there
Whether you can make it out or not,  don't forget about the Fall Follies!!!

John B.
Orcas Island, WA, USA
Rcvrs: WiNRADiO 313e, Eton e1, Ultralights
Antennas: Wellbrook Phased Array SE/NW
Two 70' x 100' Conti Super Loops, West and Northwest
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