Re: [IRCA] Grayland Report
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Re: [IRCA] Grayland Report

Bruce, Has the MBC South Korean station on 900 ever been logged at Grayland? There are some Japanese stations there too.
Bill Harms

Bruce Portzer wrote:
Bruce Portzer wrote:
CKMO-900 seemed to be having problems - a strong carrier but no programming (maybe Colin hacked their computer <g>), leaving a jumble of audio including a weak woman in Chinese fading in and out (I wish I could have IDed that one).
Well, guess what folks. What I thought was an S9+10db open carrier from CKMO was actually IBOC hash from KBBI-890. It became readily obvious once I looked at the SDR display, and a visit to KBBI's website confirmed they're now broadcasting in HD! Yeesh. Which still doesn't explain what happened to CKMO, unless they were the one with a woman droning on in Chinese at 1225 UT, sometimes with echo and sometimes without..... which doesn't seem to match CKMO's program schedule. So maybe they were being overpowered by a Chinese station, which in turn was being overpowered by IBOC from KBBI.

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