[IRCA] They're BACK!!! Excellent Asian Morning on Orcas
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[IRCA] They're BACK!!! Excellent Asian Morning on Orcas

I was stunned to read Walter's "Dullsville" report for this morning.... It was one of my best mornings ever from here. I had audio on every single (non-zero-ending) channel from 531 through 1062 except for 549 and 1035! I'll admit that about half of those were at the mumble-level of 6, but still.... I also had a very noticeable dawn boost for the last 20 minutes before LSR (Walter did not.) Above 1100, I had audio on about 50% of the channels. The Russians were back as were a goodly number of CNR channels. Any you could run your headlights with Vietnam and the Big Gun JJs. There was a lot of co-channel stuff this AM, on all of the JJ Big Guns as well as some of the Chinese channels. I continue to chase what I think is Tianjin on 1386 and I caught CNR1 on 1593... I have CRI via Heilongjiang QSLed here, but not CNR1, which is, I think, from a different site.
So, the folks at Grayland probably did quite well.....

Walter/Colin.... I continue to believe that a clear open water path toward the tage makes all the difference.
Tomorrow, I'll be on the dawn ferry heading for Grayland, so I'll not 
be DXing.  I'll try to report in on Tuesday PM from Grayland.
John B. 

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