Re: [IRCA] 1150 IBOC?
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Re: [IRCA] 1150 IBOC?

Craig Healy wrote:
I noticed a set of IBOC sidebands that appeared to be from an 1150 station
this morning.  I don't think it's my semi-local in Boston.  Barry's list
doesn't show an 1150 anywhere.  This was at 8:10am, so well after sunrise.
It has faded in and out.

Hiss was heard, and quite visible on the SDR-14 display.  Lower sidebands on
1140 and upper sidebands on 1160.  That would correspond to an 1150 station.

Anyone notice an 1150 hiss monster out there?
I'd suspect WRUN Utica - they recently rebuilt their antenna system, and 
being a public radio outlet, they probably did so with IBOC in mind.
I didn't notice hash on either side of 1150 when I passed through Utica 
last weekend, but I wasn't paying much attention, either...
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