[IRCA] Nothing New at Sunset tonight....but ONE NEW STN late last night........
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[IRCA] Nothing New at Sunset tonight....but ONE NEW STN late last night........

Hi Guys:

Although things were sounding good tonight with again lots of good relogs......nothing New was heard for the first time in about a week!!
Best thing heard tonight was probably 800 WSVS Crewe, VA heard under CKLW 
for a RELOG around 1945 EDT.
However....I was lucky to log one NEW ONE late last night around Midnight.

RADIO Used was.........SONY SRF-59 Ultralight. The Digital ULRs could hear WAMG....but the SRF-59 Analog was the King at Nulling out WLS......Backward Technology wins again!!
ULR TOTALS now...........................478 Stations heard.


890   WAMG   Dedham, MASS.  Sept/16/08    2355-0003 EDT     EE    FR
In WLS Null. Female Announcer with Sports talk...Football Talk 2355-2359 EDT.
ESPN Radio ID @ 2359. ESPN BOSTON 890/1400 ID at 0000 EDT.
Baseball Scores read by male Announcer @ 0000. ESPN Radio and ESPN.Radio
DOT Com ID's @ 0003 EDT.

NEW STN for OVERALL LOG    ULR # 478     25 KW/6 KW N  (On Day Power??)

Robert S. Ross VA3SW
Box 1003, Stn. B.
London, Ontario

Antique/Vintage Radio Enthusiast
Amateur Radio Stations VA3SW/VE3JFC

Defy Physics.....Play Table Tennis!! (Ping Pong with an Attitude)

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