[IRCA] August 28: Weird TP AM on Orcas
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[IRCA] August 28: Weird TP AM on Orcas

It was really strange this morning.... Had right at the current "usual" 30 audios for a good Asian morning, but only 9 of them were at all above a threshold 6. The good mornings the last week or so have had at least double that number hitting 7, 8s and above. The 30 were the usual suspects, with Japan favored and China mostly down.
The stronger signals were 747, 774, 963 China, 972, 1017 China, 1053 
Japan, 1287, 1377 China and 1575 that was huge as noted by Dennis V.
I'm getting greedy and that is usually a warning the CX are ready to 
go in the toilet.

John B.
Orcas Island, WA, USA
Rcvrs: WiNRADiO 313e, Eton e1, Ultralights
Antennas: Two 70' x 100' Conti Super Loops, West and Northwest
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