[IRCA] Some DX-favorable IBOC news
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[IRCA] Some DX-favorable IBOC news

The following Denver area stations have IBOC capability from a few years ago to present: 560, 630, 670, 760, 810, 850, 910, 950, 1090, 1150, 1220, 1340, 1390, 1490, 1600, 1690. The following stations still run IBOC 24/7 NSP: 560, 670, 850, 910, 1340, 1490, 1690. I don't know about 1220 and 1390 because they are very weak at night at this QTH. The following station runs IBOC days only: 760. The following stations stopped running IBOC altogether (from bandscans): 630, 810, 950, 1150, 1600. The following station occasionally runs IBOC: 1090.
1150 stopped running IBOC a few years ago, because they received complaints 
from 1170 in Windsor. 630 stopped running IBOC about the time nighttime IBOC 
was approved. I get no traces of IBOC these days from 810. 950 underwent 
some programming changes recently. The last 3 bandscans showed no IBOC on 
them and none on 1600. 1090 very seldom has IBOC turned on. The Denver area 
has less IBOC stations now than what it started with! Hopefully, this trend 
On another note, there are two stations with problems: 710-KNUS puts a 
spurious signal on 740 and 1360-KHNC puts out a horrendous buzz 30kHz each 
side of 1360. I'm sure these aren't concerns of the new, modern-day FCC.
Yet another note: 1570 in Loveland seems to be testing IBOC. I believe this 
station is co-owned by the same people who own 950, 1510, and 1600 (if they 
are indeed co-owned). I would've thought they'd put IBOC on 1510 rather than 
on 1570. 1570-KHPN is not a problem at my QTH unless they run their day 
power at night which they do quite often (and have been heard on the west 
coast as a result). 73's.
Chris Knight
Fort Lupton, Colorado

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