Re: [IRCA] Engineers’ Group Has an Idea: Move AMs to Channels 5 & 6
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Re: [IRCA] Engineers’ Group Has an Idea: Move AMs to Channels 5 & 6

This would be a great idea! In the past the NAB has resisted the idea of making a digital broadcast band in this channel 5 and 6 spectrum range, ostensibly because the NAB viewed it unfair to have all broadcasters on an equal footing (or so I understand). I wonder if things have changed.

Bruce Portzer wrote:
From Radio World Newsbytes dated 1 August 08.

It’s a dramatic idea that would change infrastructure reaching back to the very roots of our industry.
A group made up primarily of broadcast consulting engineers proposes a 
new use for TV Channels 5 and 6 in the United States once their 
occupants migrate to digital. It recommends the reallocation of part 
of that spectrum for the use of the country’s AM stations.
The group, calling itself the Broadcast Maximization Committee, 
recommends the conversion and migration of all AM stations over an 
extended period of time and with digital transmissions only.
It also proposes relocating the LPFM service to a portion of this 
spectrum and expanding the NCE service into the adjacent portion.
The group made its proposal in a filing to the FCC as part of the 
broadcast diversity proceeding (Docket 07-294). Comments in that 
proceeding were due this week. Other organizations also have used the 
proceeding to discuss how the radio spectrum should be structured; but 
these comments are likely to draw new attention to the plight of AM 
stations and possible ways to help the occupants of the senior band.
Engineering Consultant John Mullaney, a proponent of using Channels 5 
and 6 for radio, is part of BMC. Noting that similar proposals to use 
that space for radio stations have been dismissed by the commission as 
premature until the DTV transmission is done, the group says the time 
is ripe for this proposal.
Although LPFMs and NCE stations would benefit, AMs would gain the 
most, the group contends. The proposal would move virtually all AM 
stations to the new band.
The engineers lay out a plan under which all or most of the current AM 
occupants would move and parts of the existing band would be 
designated for users like municipalities and LPAM stations.
“For clear-channel (Class A) AM stations we are proposing that the FCC 
will increase existing protections on the AM band and possibly 
re-allocate the Class As that stay in such a way that they will have 
enough protection from other AM stations so that they can operate HD 
Radio day and night without creating interference,” BMC member Bert 
Goldman told Radio World.
“This reduction in AM noise will allow the remaining Class A stations 
to increase their daytime and nighttime interference-free service by 
removing all other AM stations.”
Each channel is anticipated to be structured in such a way that the 
station may decide if they want greater robustness of signal (and 
greater coverage like in rural locations) or less robustness and up to 
four program channels. BMC is not proposing a digital standard at this 
BMC has also proposed a way to move the estimated 24 post-transition 
DTV stations out of Channels 5 and 6.
The proposal is signed by Mullaney, Goldman, Mark Lipp, Paul H. 
Reynolds, Joseph Davis, Clarence Beverage, Laura Mizrahi, Lee Reynolds 
and Alex Walsh.
More details of the migration idea are here 
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