Re: [IRCA] Fw: SRS opening to west 19-apr 08
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Re: [IRCA] Fw: SRS opening to west 19-apr 08

Paul wrote-
This has been a very rotten DX season. Poor conditions most of the time. I believe these conditions are caused by the following three things.
1.  Global warming.
2.  Second hand cigarette smoke.
3.  McDonald's fries.

1. Global warming - This can not be a reason, as there is no such thing!

2. Second hand cigarette smoke. - This is great possibility

3. McDonald's fries - There is a cure for this one. Stop eating their fries and start going to What-A-Burger! Wait, there isn't any What-A-Burgers in Minny-a-soda is there. Too bad.
Also, not any in Tennessee. :))

I do agree with you on this being a rotten DX season. Haven't heard but a few TA het, no TP's, last year I had Europe in most nights along with Latins. But not this year.
Old Fort, TN

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