Re: [IRCA] Poor Excuses kill this hobby
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Re: [IRCA] Poor Excuses kill this hobby


I read this and thought I should respond since I'm an avid QSL collector. In
an ideal world, all stations would send out beautiful full data QSL cards
and anything else we asked for. But when did that ever happen? I can't get
to my QSL albums right now due to an office remodel but I would bet that
even in the 1970s when I started DXing, all the stations didn't send full
data QSLs. An these were days when most stations had a printed card.

I take anything from the station that says that I heard them. I would rather
have better, but reality is that it's better than nothing and that the
person spent time reading my letter.

QSL response rates for me have been OK, 75%. But it takes second letters,
emails and just finding someone with interest that will take the time. A
large percentage of my QSLs are prepared cards now. I use local postcards
and type the statement for them to sign. Some don't even sign them, they
just throw them in the mail. Others throw them in the trash. And I've had
hams that have stiffed me for a QSL because it's not ham radio, like
listening is inferior.

Konnie, maybe you can share some of your experiences on QSLing with us. How
many do you get and how many meet your strict criteria? Are you even
reporting your QSLs to the club?

QSL collecting is a dying part of the hobby and we're just changing with the

Martin Foltz
Mission Viejo CA

> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 23:40:48 -0500
> From: Konnie Rychalsky
> Subject: [IRCA] Poor Excuses kill this hobby
> Jim,
> With all due respect, you are a ham radio operator, and the reference at >
> Konnie

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