Re: [IRCA] KOHI-1600: The Case Of The Missing Radials
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Re: [IRCA] KOHI-1600: The Case Of The Missing Radials

--- Patrick Martin <mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I would be surprised if the KOHI radials are gone.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit. 

> They have been at that site for  about 20 years.

It could have eroded, and who knows what the problem
is. Now, if there is a ground system problem and it
detunes the whole thing, a tube type transmitter
generally will work. A solid state transmitter will
reduce power or if there is major mismatch, simply not

> It must be something else that is causing the signal

NEVER make assumptions that it must or must not be

WCAM 1590 a good while back kicked off the air one
morning at full power up. The Harris SX-1 would work
up to 100 watts and any other power it would trip off.
 Even with a RF Bridge nothing seemed warm, none of
the caps in the ATU checked bad. Impedence was
slightly changed. One of the caps in the ATU  WAS bad,
and it didn't show up and screw up until power over
100 watts was applied. After that WCAM sounded better
than it had in some time and the SX-1 didn't wheeze to
make power. 


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